Turkey Tips

Preparing, Cooking & Carving a Turkey

Online Store

Our turkeys are fresh for Thanksgiving and Christmas and frozen throughout the year. We offer a wide variety of frozen products made from 100% turkey meat, including ground turkey, turkey roasts, smoked turkey, turkey sausage, bone broth and pet food options.

If you are looking for fresh Winter’s Turkey products for the Christmas season there are a few ways you can support us:

Alberta Retailers
Supporting our loyal retailers, supports us. Many of our vendors will be receiving their fresh turkey product the week of December 19th. Call or visit their store online or in-person to inquire about pre-ordering and reserving your turkey today!  

Farm Fresh Pickup
If you wish to purchase directly, we will be hosting our annual fresh farm pick up at Winter’s Turkey Farm. We do not to take pre-orders for this day. If you would prefer to pick up your turkey on a different date, or you would like to ensure you receive a specific size of turkey, please visit and support one of our many retailers that take pre-orders.